Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 5: Back and Legs; Ab Ripper X

So much for "Sunday.  The Day of Rest."  There was no rest for this weary soul, but actually, my soul's great.  My body?  Definitely weary.  It may have something to do with three days in a row of hour and a half workouts.  It may have something to do with staying up WAY past my bedtime.  I'm thinking both. 

Back and legs.  I LOVED this workout.  Granted, the back part was designed for pull up pros, but I found my band to be more than enough of a workout.  My legs are my pride, so having a workout that worked them hard was amazing.  I hope to work up to pull ups someday.  That would be a huge, huge accomplishment for me, especially considering I never once in my life so much as did the monkey bars.  I was a sweating maniac by the end of this one, and that felt awesome.  I think it's because I was able to come at it with no fear.  Working a part of my body I felt confident in to begin with really made a difference.  I do need a "harder" band, though, to be able to get more of a back benefit. 

Ab Ripper came at me hard again.  This time I did some modifications, and that made for a more productive time.  Trying to do a lot of the moves just like they do them had me sitting there watching the DVD and shaking my head.  Great for my neck, bad for my core.  As I type, 14 hours after the workout, my abs are sore, so my modifications were effective.  Love it. 

Tonight?  Early to bed to rest this weary body. 

Day 5:  Brought. 

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