Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 54: Yoga; Day 55: Plyo

Okay, okay.  I've really, really messed up this week.  I've messed up with working out, I've messed up with eating, and I've messed up with blogging.  Just plain old messed up.  I took "recovery week" way too literally, and I'm regretting it fully.  At least I'm putting it in writing to remind myself of how not to do my next recovery week. 

So, here's the deal.  I wimped out on plyo yesterday and did yoga again.  BUT--I only did the first half of the yoga workout.  It still counts in my book since that first half is really crazy, but it was still dogging it.  I hang my head contritely. 

I've been eating crap all week.  And wouldn't you know it, my moods have been down in the dumps.  I mean the DUMPS.  Since I started this whole fitness/eating right regimen as a way to combat depression, it's no wonder I was feeling pretty blue when I wasn't working out to my full potential or eating anything that was nutritionally redeeming. 

I woke up this morning with a new resolve.  I can't change this last week.  It's done.  There are a couple extra pounds on the scale to show for it.  I scared myself straight after seeing how quickly I can slide back down that slope.  I didn't realize I was so on the edge, and now, I have to work harder to get away from that edge. 

I did toy with the idea of going full on Body-for-Life, but after looking more into it, I can't do it.  I really can't.  There's just not enough there to keep me going on P90X.  I'm going to get back to doing my food journal, which really helps, and I'm going to pay extra close attention to my portion sizes.  I also need to be more deliberate with eating regularly every couple of hours.  This is the only way to keep myself from full-on bingeing. 

So, with my new resolve, I jumped out of bed and kicked it into high plyo gear.  Really, when you need to adjust your fitness/eating attitude, a good dose of plyo is the way to go.  It's that amazing.  I did it barefoot today to see if that would help the balls of my feet.  It actually went very well.  I was shocked.  I thought it would hurt more.  I've been having some achilles issues, and the no shoes kind of aggravated that.  HOWEVER, that pain was actually easier to work around than the pain I get in the balls of my feet.  So, it was a trade-off. 

This next week will be a totally different week, friends.  There are a couple new workouts on the schedule.  I finally got a pull-up bar and some even stronger bands, so that's going to kick my butt.  I will blog better.  I promise. 

Thank you for being my support system.  I would have quit a while ago if I didn't think there were people that would be kind of sad for me if I did. 

Let's do this!

Days 54 and 55:  Barely brought, but brought nonetheless. 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 53: Stretch

Ugh.  I didn't switch it out with yoga.  It's just been one of those days, and it's just going to be one of those blogs.

I came.  I stretched.  I felt good.  Plyo tomorrow. 

Day 53:  Brought. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 52: Kenpo

After all that mental prep yesterday, I took a quick glance at the schedule this morning to find that it's a Kenpo day, not a Plyo day.  I'd be lying if I didn't say I was somewhat relieved.  You know how I love Kenpo, and you know how hard Plyo is.  Well, some of you do.  Some of you have yet to experience it. 

I've started doing Kenpo barefooted.  I was having a lot of trouble with the hip swinging and feet dragging with my rubber soles on carpet.  It's been a vast improvement.  I feel so free!  I'm even kicking faster and hitting harder.  Who'da thunk shoes could hold you back?  Actually, probably a lot of people have thought that.  It's what keeps the shoe industry alive and well. 

There really isn't much to report today.  The workout went really well.  I find myself having to work even harder to get my heart rate up.  When I first started, I simply had to throw one punch, and I was in the zone.  In fact, I'd be blasted out of the zone on the other side.  I had to take it easy on the breaks to get myself back to the zone where it's much safer and my heart won't explode.  Now, I have to do everything they do in the breaks just to keep my rate up in the zone.  It's awesome, my friends, to experience changes like this.  It's internal, granted, but it's awesome. 

Day 52:  Brought. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 51: Core Synergistics

I woke up this morning really, really wanting to stay in bed.  The pain was gone, but I have some residual crankiness.  I was feeling sorry for myself, if I'm being truthful.  There are days when I know the workout that is in front of me and the battle that it can be to endure it, and I just want to give up.  It's so hard.  SO hard.  Especially when my pillow is so, so soft. 

But, I dragged my bad attitude and bad ass out of bed.  It wasn't cheerfully done, but it was done.  What else do you want from me? 

I couldn't help but be a bit smug when I finished with the warm-up and came to the first move.  Staggered hand stacked foot push ups.  People, this is the very first move Tony asked me to do.  This move that seemed so impossible 51 days ago was a cakewalk this morning.  Well, not exactly a cakewalk.  It's still tough, but I don't even flinch at the idea of it anymore.  I don't ask, "You want me to do WHAT?!?" anymore. 

I even find myself talking to Tony like he's in the room.  P90X makes you crazy, friends.  Cuh-RAY-zee.  I just look at him while he sets up each move for me, and I nod and give a lot of "uh huh's" and "okay's" and "no problem's."  I wish that he could pop out of the TV and make adjustments for me like he does with the people on the videos.  Those people who have become almost friends.  Almost. 

Tomorrow's plyo.  Mentally gearing up at this very moment. 

Day 51:  Brought.  Uh huh. 

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 50: X Stretch

So, once again, yoga eluded me.  Well, I eluded it.  I woke up with some significant pain upon which I will not elaborate.  Suffice it to say, I traded yoga for stretch.  Stretch is part of the weekly routine this week, though, so on stretch day, I'll simply do yoga since the pain should be gone.  Not wimping out.  Just rearranging a bit. 

It was a wise choice, too.  I really do love the X Stretch routine.  Since I still cannot manage to wake my sorry self up on my actual rest days in order to do the stretch, it's nice when it's part of the "rest week" routines.  I also like seeing Phil slightly less intimidating.  I'm pretty scared of him in the other videos.  Scary Phil, the lawyer. 

I've begun researching 10K's, thinking I should have one under my belt between Run for Awareness and Half Marathon.  I cannot wait to get back to running.  I actually miss it.  ME?  Miss running?  Yessireebob.  I do.  I hated it.  Now I love it.  I'm going to go to a real running store and get fitted for real running shoes, too.  That will make my life even more spectacular than it already is. 

Day 50:  Brought. 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 49: Rest

This was a great day to rest.  It was our second official day of summer this week.  Third official day of summer all summer long!  It's been a bleak one, but I haven't really minded.  I brace myself for hot weather and just try to endure it until it's over.  If it never comes, well, then I can relax a bit.  BUT--it is nice to see the sun. 

I had an amazing couple of phone calls today.  First, my cousin Nate in Chicago has decided that he is going to fly out here in November and do the half marathon with me!  I mentioned to him last week that I was going to run it.  Next thing I know, he's going to sign up, too.  I am beyond excited for this development.  Nate's a total inspiration.  He tipped the scales at about 300 two years ago (my numbers could be a bit off, but they're definitely ball park).  Now he's svelte and fit and amazing.  This will be his SECOND half marathon this year.  I think if you do two in one calendar year then you can say you've run a whole one. 

Then I had a great talk with my big brother.  Jake's coaching me through P90X.  I know Tony says if I have questions to go to Beach Body dot com, but I've gotta be honest.  It's not a very helpful sight for me.  Jake's more accessible.  Plus, I trust him.  He inspired me with his own marathon training story, and he has encouraged me to the point of believing that the transition from P90X to half marathon is completely manageable.  I can't wait to try out my running legs in September.  Well, first in August at the Run for Awareness. 

Speaking of, Josh?  You still reading?  Lizzie?  I miss your guys' blogs! 

So, it was a fantastically uplifting day.  This week's a "rest" week in that there won't be any resistance training.  Yoga, Kenpo, Plyo.  Yup.  Sounds restful to me. 

Day 49:  Brought. 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 47: Legs and Back; Day 48: Kenpo

I owe you all a big apology.  I'm SORRY!  I didn't realize until this moment that I didn't write yesterday.  So, today's a two-fer. 

Yesterday's adventures in leg and back land were amazing.  I'm getting to the point in all the workouts where I'm really, really stepping it up.  I am determined to get the most out of this as possible.  My bum was really sore when it was all over, so I'm thinking I did something right. 

Then, take that sore bum and do Kenpo kicks for 45 minutes.  A-MA-ZING!  Pain was such a deterrent for me for so, so long.  Now, if I don't feel it, I get a little bummed out.  Like, maybe I didn't do it as hard as I could have.  I'm hoping I'm not turning into a crazy person.  It's okay to like the pain associated with a job well done after an awesome workout, right?  RIGHT?  Validation please. 

I upped my Kenpo kicks game today.  I've been telling myself that I'm not ready to keep up, and today I said to myself, "Self, you can keep up."  So, I did.  Seriously that easy.  Of course, when I took my pulse, I was at about 300 beats per minute.  Not really, but my heart was going.  Well, it's going to just have to learn to keep up with me, that's all.  If I can keep up with Tony, my heart can keep up with me.  Easy.  Until it explodes.  Then we may have to switch directions. 

Days 47 and 48:  Brought.  Brought. 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 46: X Stretch

Okay, okay, it was supposed to be yoga today, but that didn't really work out.  My arms are SO sore from yesterday's onslaught of hard stuff that I knew I couldn't do yoga if I wanted to.  But, I didn't want to be a weenie and skip a day, so I did the X stretch.  It turned out to be a brilliant decision.  It was just what my body needed, and I toyed with the idea of doing it a second time when I got to the end.  That's how awesome it was.  I had to pay attention to my family, though, so I didn't. 

My body felt so refreshed when I was done.  You work hard for the stretches, but when it's done, you feel as though you've been through a really intense massage. 

I have to tell you, I had a really great conversation with my oldest daughter tonight after dinner.  We had a mixed green salad with grilled chicken and apples for dessert.  I let them have a little caramel with the apples.  A dinner like this inevitably led to conversations about healthy living.  I just read earlier in the day an article that had interviewed Michelle Obama on how to have these sorts of conversations with kids.  She talked about deliberately taking the focus off of looks and putting it on health.  We talked about why we eat such healthy food and how it's okay to have junk food once in a while.  We played a game where I'd name a food, and she would tell me if it's a sometimes food or an anytime food.  We both got stumped on Jell-O, though.

We then segued into exercise.  I didn't talk about how we exercise to look good.  Rather, we talked about how we exercise to feel good.  Wendy doesn't see me exercise usually because I'm done before she's awake, so I asked her if she thought I exercised.  She said that she knows I do it every single morning.  Perhaps I grunt too loudly at times.  Hm.  Anyway, she said that she'd like to do videos like I do, and that's amazing because just yesterday I started looking into kids' yoga videos.  She's pumped to get started. 

So, to make a long post longer, it was a very satisfying time with Wendy tonight.  It helped me get my focus back on track.  Last night I was frustrated that I don't look better than I do.  Talking to Wendy reminded me that I may not look exactly how I want, but I am a heck of a lot healthier, and that's the most important thing, right?  The size 10's will follow. 

Day 46:  Brought.  And taught! 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 45: Chest, Shoulders, Tris; Ab Ripper X

Well, I survived this one again.  It's really a killer for me.  I think it's because it's the newest one in the weights category, and it works some really tough muscles.  I mean, I had absolutely no idea how many different ways there could be to work these three major muscle groups, and yet, Tony seems to have an endless arsenal of torture. 

Eh, it's not so bad.  I really do like it.  He says that the last 3 reps in each set are what count, and so I focused all my energy on the last 3 today.  When I felt like collapsing, I dug deep and did one more before actually tumbling to the ground in pain and agony.  I really am amazed, though, and how much my body can handle.  Logic says that I shouldn't be able to sustain this kind of workout for this long.  Maybe not real logic, but Natalie Logic.  I like being illogical now. 

Ab Ripper is coming along slowly but surely.  My goal is to be able to do the first half of it with no rest before P90X is over.  Sounds wimpy you say?  You must have never tried Ab Ripper X.

Did you know they're coming out with P90X 2?  This year, folks!  I'm pumped.  I'll have something to do after the 1/2 marathon! 

Day 45:  Brought. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 44: Plyometrics

Good night's sleep?  Check.  Complete lack of fear because I knew what was coming?  Check.  3 1/2 gallons of water extracted from my body through the sweat pores?  Check.  Check.  Check.  Awesome, awesome, awesome morning! 

I love plyo!  Love it, love it, love it!  I am using sets of three to emphasize this morning.  I don't know why.  My fingers just feel the need to repeat.  My fingers just feel the need to repeat.  My fingers just feel the need to repeat.  Okay, that's a bit overkill.  :-)  I'm obviously still quite high on the endorphins that this workout produced. 

I jumped.  I squatted.  I leapt.  I lunged.  I saw stars at several points, but a quick shake of the head eradicated them nicely.  Of course, maybe I should be a bit concerned that this workout induces hallucinations.  Nah.  I like them. 

I did have some foot problems today.  I had those last time, too, but I forgot about them until this morning when the balls of my feet started burning.  Then it all came back to me.  I'm not sure if this is pain that I'm meant to work through or if it's time for new shoes.  Well, it is time for new shoes, but I have a sneaking suspicion that this foot pain is something I'm going to have to deal with until my feet get used to this training.  I had the same foot burning when I first started the Shred, and after a few days, it went away. 

At any rate, it's been an amazing morning.  I might even eat brussels sprouts.  On second thought, I will not.  It's my stubborn inner child.  I did, however, try beets for the first time a few days ago.  They taste like dirt with a bit of sweet.  Strangely, I didn't hate them.  We'll never be best friends like asparagus and me are, but we'll definitely be able to work out a friendly acquaintance. 

Day 44:  Brought. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 43: Core Synergistics

Well, hm.  I had a rough time with this one today.  I feel bad because my posts lately have been about how rough things are.  I don't want to bum you out.  More sleepless nights leading to more exhausting mornings.  I think I'm getting "summertime" cold because I was up coughing half the night.  I put "summertime" in quotes because I don't think it even broke 65 yesterday.  Yes, in the middle of July. 

Still, I made a pact with myself.  I would finish.  That's not really a pact is it?  I may have gotten the raw end of that one.  I did the best I could, and I forced myself to do a couple of the moves a little harder than usual.  The current bane of my CS experience is the walking push-ups.  I can do those for about 30 seconds, then I have to take a 10 second break and then barely finish the last 20 seconds.  I pushed myself harder today and made it about 38 seconds before I needed a break.  Then I only gave myself an 8 second break.  So, a small victory in the midst of the exhaustion. 

Tomorrow is plyo.  I'm determined to get a good night's sleep. 

Day 43:  Brought. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 41/42: Rest

Rest and celebrate the fact that my little boy is 2 today! 

Enough resting.  I have to clean for the party! 

Day 41:  Brought. 

I got a bit off on my numbers with the camping trip since one of the days on the trip was technically a rest day.  SO, I doubled up on numbers today.  I haven't skipped any days.  I promise! 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 40: Kenpo X

Well, I survived the week, and I am 40 days into this madness!  I love that until my trip to Illinois in August my rest day will fall on a Sunday.  Seems fitting. 

Had another "movin' and groovin'" time with Tony and his peeps.  There's a Tony 2 on this video who is a former Marine and a Desert Storm vet.  He has a very pleasant demeanor until they do close-ups of him while he's throwing punches.  All I have to say is, yikes.  I would not want to cross that man!

I have come a long way with this workout.  I am at the point where I have to do my punch sequences faster than them in order to get my heart rate really pumping.  BUT--I can't quite keep up with the kick sequences, so it all balances out. 

Nothing major to report.  I love Kenpo.  Always have.  Always will. 

Day 40:  Brought. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 39: Legs and Back; Ab Ripper X

Okay, here's the deal:  this week I am the story teller at our church's VBS.  The kids rotate through 5 stations while at VBS, and I am up against:  games, crafts, snacks and a movie.  Really, the story has the potential to be a complete downer when pinned against those major opponents.  My goal this week has been to make it the best of the stations, or, at the very least, to keep it from being the most boring.  This means I've been doing a lot of prep and a lot of fretting, as I often do before a performance.  That's exactly what these stories have been:  a major performance. 

Now, with all this prep has come a lot of anxiety.  The fear of the unknown always gets to me, and with each day's story comes a major fear of the unknown, mainly, will the story fit within the time perameters?  Add to that the fact that I started a new job this week.  It's not a major job.  I'm watching my friends' 3 rambunctious girls 3 days a week.  They are very sweet girls, and I adore them, but it was just one more thing to pile on to this week.  All of this has led to 5 very sleepless nights in a row.  And because I have to be up and out of the house really early, my workout alarm clock has been going off before 5 every day.  And not only all of that, I had Colorado, where I had an amazing time but didn't sleep all that well and 2 days after returning from that, I had camping where I slept even worse.  And then right into VBS. 

I.  Am.  Exhausted. 

That's why the blog yesterday was pitiful.  I squeezed it in before bed.  And that's why today, I'm telling you, without too much guilt, that I didn't even bother to do Ab Ripper.  I did the legs and back, and my poor body was just done.  Done, I tell you.  Now you know why. 

Today's the last day of VBS, and I'm assuming I'll be able to welcome the return of sleep and the ability to not do these workouts half asleep. 

Day 39:  Brought as much as I possibly could. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 38: Yoga X

You all deserve better than this blog post, but perhaps you'll forgive me seeing as how I'm making a huge effort to still check in every day. 

I half-assed it today, ya'll.  It's been an exhausting week, and I just didn't have it in me.  But, I got up, I did what I could and an hour and a half of half-assed yoga has to be at least as good as 45 minutes of full on yoga.  Let me get through this week, and things will improve.

Day 38:  Barely brought. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 37: Chest/Shoulders/Tris; Ab Ripper X

Ah, it was another delightful day with this workout.  I did this for the first time the Friday before Colorado, and today, I am feeling the same burn I felt then.  Oh, man, it's tough.  But, on the heels of plyo, it's also very empowering.  I feel as though all my muscles are prancing around on the inside--well, waddling--saying, "Look what we can do!" 

I haven't invested in push up bars yet.  I really do need to.  My wrists were hurting pretty bad today, and that's not a place on my body I want pain.  Sure, pain in the muscles is awesome.  I've always been comfortable with my wrists, though, so I'm not feeling like I need to overwork them.  I was on my knees for more of the push ups than I'd like to, but that definitely helped with the wrist issue.  Better than nothing, amen? 

The workout itself is really great.  I love the weight training videos.  You get to push yourself as far as you can go, and that shake at the end, when you think that you know that you just can't do any more is pretty intense.  It's even more intense when you manage to eek out one more rep before your body totally quits.  There is a woman in this video (I can't remember her name!  Jake!  What is it?) who is well into her 50's, and I'd put her in her 60's, if I'm being honest.  I love her.  I love that she's who I want to be.  Strong, ageless and amazing.  She inspires me, this nameless woman. 

Ab ripper?  Slight improvement today.  I'm still not at the all capital letter phase, but I did manage to do all the reps for the first three moves.  That's a first for me.  I'll count it as a small win.  It's not trophy-worthy, but it's definitely sticker-worthy.  When did stickers cease to be the most awesome thing in the world? 

Day 37:  Brought.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 36: Plyometrics

That's right.  I did it.  Plyometrics/jump training.  Uff dah!  That's Swedish for "uff dah!" in case you were wondering. 

I have been afraid of plyometrics for quite a while.  My fear goes back to The Shred.  Jillian has two women on the video with her.  One is a delightful woman named Anita who does modified versions of the moves Jillian lays out for her victims.  The other is a tall drink of water named Natalie who does advanced versions.  I followed Anita quite religiously through that whole 30 day time period.  At one point, though, Natalie does some plyometrics in her most graceful and awesome way.  I could never do her moves because they were insane and horrible,  and I have been thoroughly afraid of jump training ever since.   

It was plyometrics that kept me from starting P90X for a long time.  However, once I saw that the Leans program, which Tony recommends for women who don't want to bulk up too much, doesn't have plyo in it at all, I was ready to start.  Cardio X replaces plyo in the Leans program.  The trouble is, I've outgrown Cardio X.  It's too short and not hard enough of a cardio workout.  If I'm going to run a half marathon in November, I need to be keeping my cardio strength up.  That's what brought me to plyometrics today.

All I can say is, well, uff dah!  It was TOUGH.  It was HARD.  It was dangerously close to vomit-inducing.  I loved it.  When I got done, I had an overwhelming sense of awesomeness (still not a word; still don't care).  I not only did a really fabulous workout, but I overcame a really big fear.  When P90X is over, I will always be incorporating this into my regular workout routine.  It's as simple as that.  I have never sweat so hard in my life, and I am so glad that my brother pushed me into trying this.  Thanks, Jake! 

Day 36:  Brought.  SO brought. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 35: Core Synergistics

As usual, I had an excellent time with CS today.  I had a sleepless night last night, which shocked me considering how exhausted I was from the camping adventure.  I'm leading the story time at VBS this week, and the fear of the unknown had me in its grip for a good portion of the night.  I digress.

I really can't say enough good things about this workout.  Tony could sell just this one and still make a fortune.  It's so well balanced and so challenging.  My only complaint is the placement of "Steam Engine."  You lock your fingers together behind your head.  Then you alternate lifting your knees to the opposite elbow.  The best way I can describe it is you're doing bicycle crunches standing up.  Well, this puts your nose in very close contact with your armpit, and considering this move comes at the end of the workout, you can imagine how unpleasant that can be.  I'm sure there's an exact science to the order of the moves, but man, oh, man, I think this one should be more towards the beginning.  I simply can't remember to put on extra deodorant when I'm stumbling around in the wee morning hours. 

Tomorrow I'm going to give Plyometrics the old college try.  Actually, I'm just going to do it.  This could mean another sleepless night.  Regardless, I'ma git 'er done!

Day 35:  Brought. 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bonus Blog

I told you I'd let you know Sunday whether or not I jogged, and, as shown in the past, I am a woman of my word. 

I did not jog.  Turns out sleeping on a child-sized Therma-rest with a slow leak on top of a tree root on the sloping edge of a tent doesn't do much to make your back feel like jarring itself into shape by jogging.  So, instead, I sat around and ate an inordinate amount of pretzels.  I do love pretzels. 

Catch you tomorrow.  Core Synergistics! 

Camping trip:  Brought. 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 34: Kepo X

I have no idea why, but my bum muscles were sore today.  I totally felt it when I was doing my kicks.  It's strange, but I really welcome the muscle pain.  I translate it as my body has been pushed just a little further than it could go before.  Forward progress is always a good thing, except in a backwards foot race.  But who races backwards? 

We're off to the mountains again today.  This time we camp.  I am going to take my running shoes and hopefully try to psych myself into a little jog while I'm there.  I need to assess my running situation anyway.  We'll see.  There's a pool.  I may just sit by that.  Either way, I'll let you know on Sunday. 

Tomorrow's a rest day on the schedule, so I'm really only missing one day of training.  Of course, I'm not really missing.  I'll make it up.  For now, I go off on a Kenpo high.  "Sword, hammer!" 

Day 34:  Brought. 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 33: Back and Legs; Ab Ripper X

Well, folks, it's time to invest in a chin up bar.  Chin up bars.  Push up bars.  Now all I need is a swim-up juice bar.  Of course, that's a bit more labor intensive to purchase and install.  It would be fun, though, wouldn't it?  

I still like this workout, but I need it to be harder for the back portion of it.  I have been using bands for the pull up part, but I don't have a great place to anchor them.  I end up doing most of the workout with the band parallel to the ground which results in me pulling back rather than down.  Having a bar to throw the bands around will make a huge difference, I'm sure.  Oh, you thought I was going to actually do pull ups when I got the bar?  That's so cute.  

Worst part of the workout?  Wall squats.  Best part of the workout?  Wall squats.  How is that even possible?  I especially like the one-legged squats.  They're so hard, but I like looking at my quads when I do them.  They look pretty amazing, if I do say so myself, and since this is my own blog, I do say so myself.  

Ab ripper?  I don't want to talk about it.  

Day 33:  Brought

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 32: Yoga X

I told you I'd be back on Wednesday, and here I am!  I had a fabulous time in Vail, and I am going to ride high on those wedding vibes for quite a while.  That's a different blog for a different day. 

Yoga was the perfect way to ease back into P90X after a break.  I may not have been able to do anything else today but yoga.  I mean, I have 3 days home, and then another short break.  My exhausted body wanted to just skip this week all together.  BUT, I did promise I'd be back today, and I keep my promises usually, except when I don't.  Tony and I had a fabulous time this morning.  I slept in since the kiddos are all at their grandparents' house, so I got to breathe deep without yawning every time for a change.  I liked that. 

I hate to admit, though, but I did completely blow off one portion of the workout today.  It's divided into two parts.  You do 45 minutes of moving stuff and then 45 minutes of more stretching and balancing.  The last 5 minutes of the first half are just outrageous, and I simply gave in to my inner whining.  I usually spend those 5 minutes tumbling and falling all over the place, and I know I won't master it by skipping it.  I promise not to do that again. 

I didn't eat very well this weekend, and I got on the scale this morning to assess the damage.  I lost 2 pounds.  I think it must have been the altitude.  I mean, I spent the weekend at 10,000 feet.  Surely that made a difference.  :-) 

Day 32:  Brought.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 31: Chest/Shoulders/Tris; Ab Ripper X

Son of a biscuit!  I feel like I did way, way back on day 1!  This workout was a beast of a beast, and my arms are still wobbly.  Oh, man, this was tough.  I had no idea how many different ways you could work your triceps and how many stinking variations there are on the push up, which, let's face it, is one of the most loathesome moves around.  Well, for me anyway.  

I have entered "Phase 2" of the program, so it was amazing to get this body jolt.  That doesn't mean I won't have to ask anyone and everyone tomorrow to help me get my suitcase on the conveyor belt, my carry on in the overhead bin or, heaven help me, find a stranger to assist me in the bathroom.  Well, maybe not that last one.  I just hope I don't get stuck anywhere, like Boise.  That would be a bummer.

Ab Ripper, thy name is Stinker.  I am almost resigned to this just being the norm.  Yes, yes, I'm doing my best and forgetting the rest.  I just wish the rest wasn't the last 8 reps in each set.  I'll get there, and when I do, I'll do my blog entry entirely in caps.  That does, after all, convey excitement.  

Today was my last workout until next Wednesday.  I'm going to Colorado and am going to have a wonderful time helping one of my best friends in the whole wide world get herself good and hitched to a really awesome man.  Karrie and Rob, I'm coming!  I'll be the one that can't lift her arms.  Catch the rest of ya'll on Wednesday (and you better be back Wednesday)!

Day 31:  Brought.