Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 75: Core Synergistics

And by Tuesday, I, of course, meant Wednesday.  Also, I'm off on my numbers once again.  There was a rest day in there when I didn't blog, so that's where the missing number is. 

So, I lost my momentum in Rockford.  You know what?  I'm totally fine with that.  I went with the best of intentions, and what happened was my vacation was turning into my regular life, just in a different place.  I was not digging that at all.  I get to go away once a year, and I decided it was best for my sanity to really, really go away.  It felt fabulous. 

I weighed in this morning to assess the damage of no exercise for 9 days and eating with reckless abandon.  No weight loss.  No weight gain.  I get to start right where I left off.  Good for me.  Core seemed a good place to "start over" since it's where I started in the first place.  I felt slightly creaky this morning, but none the worse for the wear.  I did my best, forgot the rest and put those boxes on those shelves in my back yard just like I've been doing for 11 weeks.

Now I'm a bit behind where I wanted to be, but I'll be done before I know it.  I'll be full-on marathon training before the month is out.  I have a 5K at the end of September to jumpstart everything and also to kick off Oktoberfest.  That's right.  A 5K that ends with beer.  You just can't beat that! 

Day 75:  Brought. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 73: Shoulders and Arms

Well, okay, yes.  I did miss a few days.  That's a bummer, but I really and truly do not care.  This weekend was perfection times four, and I wouldn't change a thing.

Saturday was the 2nd annual golf memorial for my amazing Uncle Jim.  I simply cannot tell you how much that man meant to me and how much I miss him.  When you communicate with someone on an almost daily basis, and that communication is suddenly gone, it takes a long, long time to fill that hole.  Maybe you never can.  So far, it's a gaping chasm still.  So to be able to spend an entire day with my aunt and cousins and people who knew and loved him and to reminisce and laugh and cry together was better than anything Tony Horton has to offer. 

Yesterday was a low day for me.  You come off a high like that, and you go into a sort of funk.  I just wallowed in it, and I think that's okay.  I just needed to.  I don't wallow often about Uncle Jim, but once in a while, I do.  I spent the day eating junk and being cranky.  Then I went to bed early.

Today, I worked.  The funk is clearing.  Friends are coming.  The sun is shining.  It's going to be a great day.  Well, it will be great when I find some Benadryl to slather over my body that has been attacked by the Illinois state insect.  Damn mosquitoes. 

Day 73:  Brought. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 72: Plyo

And I'm back!  Yesterday was our big travel day, and I decided not to try and squeeze in a workout before leaving.  It was just too much.  However, I must have walked at least 4 miles in the airport while lugging a lot of extra weight, so that's got to count for a 5K at least.  I remember when I used to be able to travel with just a purse.  Those were the days. 

This is a bit of a milestone day, my friends.  In the past 10 years of visiting Rockford, I've always said that I will workout, and somehow, I've never managed to do it (It's not really a mystery.  I've been lazy.).  Today, however, I got up, got on my workout clothes and did my plyo.  Rock on, me. 

Turns out plyo is slightly scarier when you don't have 10 foot ceilings. In fact, it's downright dangerous when you have about 7 1/2 foot ceilings.  Remember when you're a kid and all you want to be able to do is jump up and hit the ceiling?  Yeah, I've totally accomplished that and would like to be short again.  Still, easy enough to modify. 

Did you know that ripping off half your pinky toenail is painful?  You did?  Well, did you know that certain plyo moves that have you jumping on just one foot with a ripped-off toenail are completely excruciating?  You didn't?  Well, you should give plyo a try so you can relate.  I don't recommend the ripping off of the toenail.  That's just dumb. 

Day 72:  Brought. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Dayless Day

Well, folks, it was bound to happen, and today it did.  I simply did not workout.  I gave into my overly tired self and just stayed in bed.  No reason.  My pain from yesterday is nil today (horray!).  I just got to thinking about all I had to accomplish today, and I didn't do it. 

Tomorrow I will try my hardest.  We fly out to Illinois tomorrow, and doing P90X will involve a really early wake-up call on a really long travel day.  We'll see how late I'm up tonight. 

So, big fail today, but since I made it 71 days before failing, I won't even worry one more second about it. 

Dayless Day:  It is what it is.  :-) 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 71: Chest and Back; Ab Ripper X

Ugh!  71 days in, and I snapped something.  The whole right side of my chest is in a state of ouchi-ness, and it's creeping into my neck.  What the heck did I do?  I really don't know, but I'm going to be okay.  I hope.  It's frustrating, though.  Not so much that I have to deal with the pain but because I would like to think I'm smart enough to not hurt myself at this point in the game.  It was during a push-up set.  The James Bond one.  They're officially called "Dive Bombers," and in going down, I heard a pop and a rush of pain.  Frustrating! 

I'm glad tomorrow's plyo.  I can work around a chest injury pretty easily in that one.  We'll see about the rest of the week.  I promise I won't push it, but I am also not quitting or taking a break.  I'm way too close to the end for that! 

My pal, Miss E, saw a backyard with shelves yesterday on her run!  I am excited about that.  She said there were no boxes on them, so I'm left to conclude that there are people in that house who have not been properly trained in the art of backyard-box-lifting-to-the-shelves.  It really is a skill that requires much training. 

Day 71:  Brought. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 70: Rest

Can it possibly be true that I have less than 3 weeks to go?  Really?  I felt like it was just a few days ago I was facing sleepless nights, nervous about embarking on this journey. 

Today, I rested, which is good because I stayed out until almost 2 last night/this morning.  Oh, man, time with good friends well spent.  And I played my first game of pool. 

That said, I'm going to bed.  See you tomorrow!

Day 70:  Brought. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 69: Kenpo

Nailed it.  Again! 

I was reminded this morning of why I get up at the butt crack of dawn to workout.  If I wait until my family's up, I end up with a very loud audience.  Then I have to move my workout to the playroom.  Then the baby bangs at the door, screaming to be let in.  I'm so irresistable!  And also, while I love sauteed onions, I don't love them frying when I'm kenpo-ing. 

Still, nailed it! 

I got my "Body-for-Life For Women" yesterday.  I absolutely cannot wait to implement this in my life.  It's going to be another awesome transition while I do that 12 week challenge!  I'll start after Rockford.  Until then, portion control and lots of fruits and veggies. 

Day 69:  Brought. 

Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 68: Cardio X

Yeah, you read that right.  Today was a core synergistics day, but I just was feeling more cardio exy.  I missed it, and I wanted the variety.  Tony loves to tell you that variety is the spice of life, so I just took him up on that. 

It felt good.  Kind of like coming home to an old friend.  I still stand by my decision to have plyo ace this one out, but as a core substitute today, it was perfect.  I worked up a good sweat and everything.  I just love that there are 4 workouts in one on this one.  Yoga?  Good.  Kenpo?  Good.  Plyo?  Good.  Core?  Excellent.  I mean, how can you lose? 
Did I mention I've bought smaller pants?  And that the numbers on the scale are smaller?  And that my time with P90X is smaller?  No, no and yes?  Well, it's all true.  The question is, what do I do with this blog when I'm done?  Keep going?  Transition into marathon training blogging?  Start a cooking blog?  I did order a copy of "Body for Life for Women."  I mentioned a while ago I had contemplated doing Body for Life but that there wasn't enough there.  I found a new copy of this book for $1.99, so I figured it was worth checking out.  Maybe it will be better for me.  You know, because I'm a woman.  I'm excited to apply workout discipline even more to my eating.  I want to rock Christmas sweaters this year, especially the ugly ones that preferably light up and play carols.  Do they make those?  What?  It's too early to talk about Christmas?  My bad.

Day 68:  Brought. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 67: Yoga

Yoga this morning
Bendy, stretchy warrior
My legs now hurt.  Ouch.

Day 67:  Brought to you with a little haiku flair. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 66: Back and Biceps

Oh, boy, I love new workouts!  This was a fun one.  I love my biceps 65 days in, so really, this was a long experiment in how bad my vanity has become.  I loved watching these moves in the mirror.  I'm a little ashamed to admit that, but not so ashamed that I'll keep it to myself.  The biceps, after all, look amazing.  Awesome. 

Aaaaand, my brand new pull-up system I devised broke right in the middle of the workout.  Thankfully I did not get hurt because it involved a band snapping back at me.  Somehow it managed to miss, and now I go back to the drawing board.  I'm going to have to break down and buy a real bar, but I just don't want to spend that money.  Ugh.  I was hoping this system would work because it's easily transportable to Rockford next week.  I'm a college graduate.  I should be able to figure this out.   

I was worried that coming off a run last night it would be too much to work out less than 10 hours later, but it worked out just fine.  I didn't sleep very well, though, which reminded me of one of the million reasons I don't like to work out at the end of the day.  Not that I regret that run.  I'm still flying high on that run.  Run for Awareness has been cancelled because life happens, but I'm going to find another 5K sometime in September to keep myself motivated.  And because they're stinkin' fun.

Day 66:  Brought. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 65: Bonus!

I am sitting here all scrubbed clean in my jammies having just taken a tepid shower.  Why tepid?  It was to cool my body temperature way, way down.  Mission accomplished.  I'm about to call it a very early evening, but I wanted to blog first. 

I needed to cool off because I wasn't happy with how my day went today.  I decided that I was going to knock out a couple of miles on the treadmill in an effort to bridge the workout gaps that I left and to give myself a much-needed shot of endorphins, not to mention a boost in confidence. 

It worked.  I got on that treadmill and just went for it.  I felt so alive and vigorous and strong.  Parts of me that used to jiggle when I ran were firm and strong.  My legs could have gone on forever.  My tummy cramps threatened, but I just pushed through them.  The only thing that stopped me was, get this, getting overheated!  Well, and it was time to call it quits because I still had some chores to do. 

My treadmill is in the garage that spent the day warming up.  I am a big wuss when it comes to heat (Miss E, I can almost see you giggling at me thinking how I think an 80 degree garage even begins to compare to what you run through on a regular basis.  You're a rock!!), which confirms in my mind that Seattle in November is the perfect choice for my first half marathon.  There is NO chance of being overheated by the elements. 

I ran faster than I have in a long, long time, you all.  I mean, it was incredible.  Jake, you told me I would, and I couldn't wait to test that out.  I've never had those kinds of numbers on the treadmill, before.  And even though it was still rather slow, it was a personal best for me.  If there's one thing I've learned from Mr. Tony Horton, it's to do my best and forget the *effing* rest.  I did.  :-) 

I'm coming off a mentally and emotionally draining past several days.  The kind of drain that God imposes in an effort to empty you of bad habits and fill you with better ones.  It's tough, but it's also very cleansing.  I needed this run. 

Day 65:  Really, really brought. 

Day 65: Plyo/Stretch

Tony says, "Don't do Plyo for at least an hour after eating."  I heeded his words carefully and made sure my tummy was completely empty.  The problem is, my tummy appears to be under some sort of attack.  The cramps came back again today.  I had them this morning when I got up, and the heating pad did not help.  I just let time do its thing.  I missed my morning workout window, but I had another this afternoon.  I made it through about 35 minutes of plyo, and my tummy attacked again.  SO frustrating.  These are cramps that literally rob me of my breath, and standing up isn't even an option. 

I laid down with the heating pad.  It helped a lot.  Rather than try to finish plyo, I decided to break out the stretch DVD and just give my body some time to relax.  My tummy cooperated, and I managed to finish that with little to no pain. 

I need to get to the bottom of this tummy cramp issue, though.  I can't be 25 days from the finish line and have to stop.  No way! 

Day 65:  Brought. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 64: Chest/Shoulders/Tris

I am currently laying down in bed with a heating pad on my belly which is seized up with cramps. Fun.  I have chest/shoulders/tris on pause downstairs because I got 2 minutes into the warm up and my belly just turned on me.  The blog today could go one of two ways.  I'm praying that this tummy thing resolves itself very, very soon.  I have a small workout window today and if I miss it, I miss it.  Stay tuned...

...It is now one hour and ten minutes later.  I have completed the workout!  Man, that was tough.  I just read another friend's blog, and I'm pretty sure she summed up this workout beautifully:  Tony wants me to fall on my face and break my nose.  There comes a point where you truly believe this with all the push-ups he's devised in his twisted, evil mind.  But, since I still think he's a genius and I didn't actually fall on my face and break my nose, I'll let it go. 

26 days to go, friends!  I'm excited on so many levels for that.  One, I'm ready for a change.  It's not that I'm bored.  You simply cannot be bored with P90X.  I've just got my eye on that half-marathon, and my legs are itching for some running.  Two, I'm ready to say "I completed P90X, and I can kick your ass."  With all the strange encounters I have with strangers, I think this is a good thing to threaten.  You know how people like to theaten with being a black belt?  "You better get away from me.  I'm a black belt."  And you look at them and their physique suggests otherwise so you're really not scared at all?  Threatening people with being a P90Xer is the same thing only actually true.  Three, I want that feeling of accomplishment.  I had it at the end of the Shred, and since that was just 30 days, I expect the euphoric sense of accomplishment to be three times as awesome.  Even more because the Shred workouts were only 20 minutes (hard, hard, hard 20 minutes), and these are three times as long.  So, I can't do that math to exponentially up the sense of euphoria, but it will be big.  I may get a t-shirt made. 

Day 64:  Brought. 

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 63: Rest

I really do love rest days.  I love that today I'm not on worship team at church plus all my kids are gone plus no P90X combined meant I got to sleep waaaaaaay in.  I made it to 6:30.  Ha! 

Yesterday we got our farm share and we also got our first Bountiful Basket.  Google it if you want more info.  It's really a cool deal, and for our $15, we got a butt load of produce.  Last night Peter and I had a grilled veggie feast for dinner.  We did mushrooms, onions, broccoli, eggplant and fava beans.  I made a delicious olive oil/balsamic vinegar mixutre we spread on all of it, and man, oh, man you couldn't tell me that eating ridiculously healthy isn't also ridiculously delicious. 

Then I spent the morning prepping an awesome looking mango salsa because we got huge mangoes in our BB.  Mango, cucumber, red onion, jalapeno, lime juice and a ton of cilantro.  It smells amazing, and all those foods are getting better acquainted in the fridge right now.  I'm sure their friendship will blossom into something truly spectacular for dinner tonight.  Paired with a truly delicious microbrew, and dinner cannot come soon enough. 

I love this healthy food thing.  I love that with a little creativity (and a grill), you can eat like you're in a 4 star restaurant any time you want.  Food for fuel and for entertainment.  Amazing.

Day 63:  Brought. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 61: Core Synergistics; Day 62: Kenpo X

Well, I almost made it a week with perfect blogging attendance.  But, some stuff came up yesterday that prevented me from getting to the computer.  Plus, I'm feeling as though I'm getting repetitive.  I don't have a whole lot to contribute at this point.

Core was good.  For the first time in a long time it kind of beat me.  I had a pitiful headache--I know, cry you a river--that simply refused to go away.  I've found that exercise actually has helped my headaches in the past, but yesterday's was different.  So, I did skip several parts.  Still, I managed to get in at least 3/4 of it, and it was an awesome 3/4 at that. 

Kenpo rocked as usual.  I'm thinking I may want to look into taking actual martial arts classes someday.  Or, at the very least, self-defense classes.  I really just love this kind of movement. I  would never have known that if not for Tony's brilliance.  Well, actually, without Mr. Flex-and-Breathe who introduced Kenpo to Tony.  Why can't I remember his name right now?  Jake?  Help me out. 

So, although I skipped a blog yesterday, I didn't skip any workouts.  I went straight through just like I was supposed to this week, and I feel much better for it.  Thanks for sticking with me this long.  I'm in the actual home stretch of this phase of my workout life. 

Days 61 and 62:  Brought. 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 60: Yoga X

Ahhhhhhh.  That's about all I can say after 92 minutes of yoga.  Or maybe I should say, "Ohhhhhhhhhhmmmmmm."  Of course, there are negative connotations with the "ohm," are there not?  :-) 

It felt good to do yoga from beginning to end today.  It's usually a mental battle for me, though, because, let's face it, 90 minutes is a long time to stop and do anything besides maybe watch a movie.  I guess one could make the argument that I was, indeed, watching a movie, but honestly, it's not the same.  If I have to explain why, then I'd like to know what kind of movies you normally watch. 

I'm not really making Gumby look like the Tinman like I'd like to be doing (see how many "likes" were in that sentence?!), but I'm definitely more flexible than I was when I started this whole madness.  I love coming to moves and watching--well, feeling--my body go into the stretch like it's not a big deal.  It is a big deal.  It's a big, big deal, and my yoga body is a lot cooler than my pre-yoga body. 

Can you tell I'm just rambling today?  I think I may have over-cleared my mind and now have little to say.  I loved it.  30 days to go!  And then marathon training and then...P90X2!

Day 60:  Brought. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 59: Shoulders and Arms

I'm being prompt today! 

This workout felt like coming home to an old friend.  I haven't done it in a while, and it was nice to get back to it.  I was a bit worried going in because doggonnit if my chest and shoulders didn't still ache from a few days ago.  I just trusted the system Tony's set up, and it is a good one.  I felt the pain in the stretch/warm-up, but once I got going with the actual workout, I didn't notice the old pain.

I did notice the new pain, but it's a good pain.  I also enjoyed my reminder to not smash my face.  I had almost forgotten that old TOTD, and it's just as relevant now as it was then.  I was amazed how much stronger I was at this routine today.  Certain moves that were struggles to get to the 10 rep mark with a lower weight weren't struggles today.  I was consistently taking myself to 15 reps with heavier weights.  I am going to have to bust out bands soon.  They're cheaper than dumbbells, and I've about maxed out what I can do with the hand weights I've got for this routine.

And speaking of bands, I've decided that I am going to do P90X while visiting Illinois (I can pack bands easily.  That's the transition I was going for there).  I was planning on just jogging, but with the heat they're having this summer, I know I'll rarely get myself in the great outdoors to do it.  I don't do well in the heat.  So, if I take bands with me, I should be fine.  I just don't want to end up taking a 12-day workout break.  That would be bad, not to mention depressing. 

I'm ready to face my day.  Sore, strong, sassy.  I needed another "s" word, and that's all I could think of!

Day 59:  Brought. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 58: Plyometrics

Oh, man, I almost broke my promise one day out.  I started this entry this afternoon and then forgot to come back to it after a phone call.  I shut the computer down.  I climbed into bed.  I remembered I didn't finish and that I had promised to do better.  So, I climbed out of bed.  I fired up the computer, and here I am.  You're welcome.  And thank you for that pat on the back.  That wasn't necessary, but it was definitely appreciated.

Ah, plyo.  I feel like I just did it.  Oh, wait, I did.  Thanks to my brilliant reschedule last week, I found myself jumping around like a fiend much sooner than my body wanted to.  But, I said to my body, "Body!  You quit being a baby and just do it."  My body listened.  I had a good time.

My achilles pain wasn't as intense today.  I hope that's just a temporary injury, whatever it is.  It's definitely tender, but still workable.  What keeps me going is one-legged Eric.  I think his name is Eric.  I get confused.  There's Dominic in the back and Pam Kablam, and I'm pretty sure it's Eric.  Or maybe Phil.  No, Phil's the scary lawyer.  Well, whatever his name is, he's definitely an inspiration.  At one point, he has to modify a move because of his one-legged situation.  Tony's in front, and he says, "Now if you're tired, you can do it like this."  And Eric behind him calls out, "Or if you only have one leg!"  I giggle at that part and picture a lot of one-legged people doing P90X.  I love that there are various things that make me giggle in P90X.  I didn't think I'd smile so much. 

My arms are still sore from yesterday's bad boy workout, and tomorrow, I think I hit the arms again.  It should be interesting. 

Feeling good, people.  Feeling good.

Day 58:  Brought. 

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 57: Chest and Back; Ab Ripper X

Yesterday, I rested.  I didn't have anything intriguing to write about, so I didn't.  But I'm back with a vengeance today, my friends. 

I enjoyed a new workout this morning.  Chest and back.  Wow.  It's a doozie.  All push and pull.  I had my new pull-up bar ready to go, but I was greatly disappointed to find that it's not tall enough.  It's not a bar, actually, and I bought it in order to have something on which to swing my bands over.  Ugh.  It's too hard to explain.  It did work, though, and I did get more resistance than I have in the past with how I was doing the pull portions of workouts.  It may be that I'm just ready to do actual pull ups.  If that's the case, then bring it.  I'll get an actual bar and just go for it. 

The rest of the workout was really great.  There was one push up move--I can't remember the name--where you "go under the fence."  It's like that movie with Catherine Zeta-Jones--also can't remembe the name--where she's maneuvering through those laser beams.  You know what I'm talking about.  Anyway, one move reminded me of that, and when you did it, they played music in the background that sounded like a James Bond film.  I laughed out loud.  That's right.  I genuinely LOL'ed.  LOLed.  I'm not sure how to add the "ed" to that. 

Ab Ripper.  Nuff said. 

Guess what else I did today?  I signed my butt up for the Seattle Half Marathon!  It's official.  They have my money.  There's no turning back.

Day 57:  Brought.