Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 24: Kenpo X

My favorite!  I guess my brain was really excited to do this workout because it woke me up a half hour before my alarm.  Rather than lie there waiting for the alarm, I just got up and did it.  I may have yawned my way through most of it, but I consider that deep, DEEP breathing, so it's all good.  I just love working up a good amount of DNA removal before the day starts.  That's what Tony calls sweat in this video.  It makes me smile.  "We don't do spray-ons in here.  We do actual DNA removal."  They remove more DNA than I do, but I'm just assuming their workout space is slightly warmer than the 55 degrees I keep my space at. 

It's the first Friday of summer break.  One more week of P90X before my first mini break from it.  I head to CO next Saturday to go to a darling, wonderful friend's much-anticipated wedding.  I have to admit, though, I'm a little sad that P90 won't be going with me.  Maybe I'll sneak the yoga in my carry-on, but then again, it's so powerful, they might confiscate it as a weapon.  Hm.  Dilemma. 

Day 24:  Brought. 


  1. I woke up before my alarm this morning, too! Of course, it wasn't so much excitement that woke me as it was a puking cat, but I got up, nonetheless.

  2. Ha! Yeah, puking cats aren't quite as fun as Kenpo.
