Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 22: Yoga X

Ah HA!  My body was all geared up to do a little Core Synergistics, and I fooled it with yoga.  Oh, my. 

I'm really mixed about this workout.  I go in dragging a bit, and I come out very much not dragging.  It is really, really hardcore, and it is really, really long.  I will say this, though:  I now understand why yoga's essential to have in your workout routine.  It's strength training in its most natural, rational form.  It's just you and your body and nothing else.  You're not pushing to lift a weight.  You're not straining for one more pull up.  You're just bending in a thousand different directions, waking up every single muscle in your body, strengthening every one with every twist and turn.  After 92 minutes, I feel invigorated and alive and awake. 

My body is already responding to these weekly (bi-weekly this week) yoga infusions.  I'm feeling more and more flexible, and I can feel that flexibility helping me in every other routine.  If you don't do it, you have to.  Simple as that.  (Josh--an idea for when you're on your "inbetweenies" and Lizzie, definitely after you finish the Shred!)

Totally unrelated--we bought a farm share in a mircofarm for half this year.  We got our first load last Saturday.  It was all greens since the bigger veggies won't be ready for a while.  I have no idea what most of it was, so last night, Peter and I just threw it all in a bowl and had probably the most interesting, exciting salad ever.  I loved it.  Every bite was different.  And, also, we got mint.  That I recognized.  I chewed up a leaf last night.  It was incredibly bitter at first, but when I powered through that, I was left with a delightfully minty mouth.  I happened to take a sip of my Diet Coke with that minty mouth of mine, and wouldn't you know it?  AMAZING.  That, you must also try.  

My own Tip of the Day, then (although more of a command):  Yoga and minty Diet Coke.

Day 22:  Brought 

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