Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 10: Shoulders and Arms; Ab Ripper X

Well, folks, that's it.  10 days down.  One-ninth of the way through.  It's not quite as fun as counting down to Christmas, but it's way more rewarding and motivating! 

Tip of the Day, ala Tony, "Don't forget to breathe."  That's a good one, but he gives a secondary TOTD in this one, and that's, "Don't smash your face."  I like that one even better.  I find his tips go well beyond the confines of the workout.  Breathing and not smashing your face are good for all facets of life.  Truly, the man is a philosophical guru.  At least, he's mine for the next 80 days. 

I came at this workout harder than last time.  Less fear.  More energy.  It all worked out really well.  In fact, I'm going to have to go get some more dumbbells.  I have 3, 5, 8 and 10 pounders, but the 3's and 5's are really being relegated to bottom of the closet dust gatherers now.  I pushed myself and discovered that I could lift a lot more than I was giving myself credit for.  This was very encouraging.  I even worked out in front of the mirror today rather than the distorted image in the window.  I had a feeling I was getting some definition in my arms, and I was right.  Tony calls this workout the "glamor workout," and I was enjoying the glamor from start to finish.

Ab Ripper X still kicks my bootie.  Actually, it kills my legs.  I'm hoping that they start to adapt soon.  This 16-minute killer is just that:  a killer.  I'll get it.  I mean, I may be 10 days in, but, I'm only 10 days in.  It would be bad if it wasn't a challenge at all, right? 

Did I mention that I love Slim Fast?  I'm sure his recovery drink is delicious, but I can't afford it.  The Slim Fast, though?  Divine.  Perfect way to cap off these Tony Times. 

Day 10:  Brought. 


  1. I'm thinking maybe I should try those Slim Fasts after workout... I hear a good protein shake is always a good way to gain a lot of strength back after a hard workout. Is that the only time you use them? Has it been helpful, ma'am?? ;)

  2. Yes, that's the only time. And I get the off-brand from Walmart, so they're even cheaper. I love them, and they really carry me through for quite a while. The powder is probably more economical, but we don't have a blender for me to blend in the ice. Plus, I'm too lazy when I'm done. I'd rather pop the top.
