Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 11: Yoga X

Remember that Cat Steven's song:  "Another Sat-day night and I ain't got nobody.  I got some money 'cause I just got paid.  Now how I wish I had someone to talk to.  I'm in an awful way."  Grammar missteps aside, that song was going through my head this morning, except it went more like:  "Another Sat-day morn, and I'm up doin' yoga.  I'm really tired 'cause I couldn't sleep.  Now how I wish I was still on my pillow.  Oh, that would be so sweet." 

Here, if you need a little help:
"She had a strange resemblance to a cat named Frankenstein."  Great stuff!  I digress. 

5:30, my friends, on a Saturday somehow feels wrong, but two things that get me up:  1.  I have known myself for 32.5 years, and I know that if I don't get up in the morning and exercise first thing, I won't do it at all.  Oh, maybe for a day or two, but not long-term.  It's the crack of dawn or nothing.  2.  I read once upon a time that it's not really good for your system to adjust your sleep schedule too much and too often.  So, letting myself sleep until 7 wouldn't really have much benefit anyway.  I might as well be working out.  

So, I did.  And it was Tony the Tiger Grrrrrrreat!  I could see slight improvement over last time.  My vinyasas weren't nearly as painful, and I could squeeze my elbows tight to my side with every chaturanga.  Do I sound snobby?  You have Google if you need help.  Or, you could consult with Tony!  Maybe next Saturday?  5:30?  Sounds great.

Oh, and I sweat--sweated?--a lot more this time.  Always a good thing for me.  Well, good when I'm working out.  Bad when I'm just sitting.  

When all was said and done, I rewarded myself with a big, old, hot bubble bath, a mini facial and a cup of glorious legal addictive stimulant.  I'm feeling good, my friends.  Feeling good.  

Day 11:  Brought. 

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