Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 13: Kenpo X

Practice makes perfect!  Well, perfect-ish.  Perfect-er.  Kind of perfect.  I had a great morning with Kenpo.  This workout just seems to fly by.  It may be the fast pace of it.  It may be the "breaks" all throughout.  It may be that it's 55 minutes after three days in a row of 75-90 minute workouts.  I don't know.  Whatever it is, it's good. 

I loved being able to do the combos with less concentration today.  Don't get me wrong.  There were plenty of times I was just flying all over the place, and when that happened, I would just stop, reset and start again.  Tony likes to start out slow and then go faster and faster.  And then he switches sides.  I know it's an equal opportunity workout for the left and the right, but that would be so much easier if it meant democrats and republicans.  I can shift my political thinking much more easily than I can shift my actual feet and hands.  What?  Politics in a workout blog?  I aim to please. 

My only complaint on this was that I didn't get to do it yesterday morning.  Yesterday morning I was still hoppin' mad at the people setting off fireworks until the wee hours, keeping me from my much needed recuperative sleep.  I would have been able to take out all my aggression on them in Kenpo yesterday.  Last night, though, no fireworks.  That meant a lack of anger this morning.  Of course, it's probably always good to wake up anger-free.  I just pictured algebra equations instead.  I always did hate algebra. 

Day 13:  Brought. 

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