Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 20: Kenpo X

If someone could translate the epic mental battle that goes on in my head some mornings when my alarm goes off and put it on the big screen in the form of an action film, they'd make billions.  This morning was TOUGH. 

We had a 3 a.m. wake-up call that every parent simply loves to get:  "Mommy!  Daddy!  Nina threw up in her bed!"  Now, thankfully, I have a husband who jumps to the call immediately.  I took a minute or two to process that information.  And wouldn't you know it, my first thought was, "Well, there goes P90X for today."  It probably should have been something more along the lines of, "Oh, my poor, sweet Nina," but let's face it, she was the reason I was up at 3 and what had come out of her was no picnic.  It's really hard for me to be totally compassionate.  That's why I'm so thankful for Peter. He deals with the child, I deal with the mess.  We're a good team.  Thankfully, I forgot to reset my alarm, so it went off at 4:50 as per my usual Kenpo X routine day.  Friends, that was rough.  First I thought, I'll just do it this afternoon and go back to sleep now.  But, in the end, I opted to get up and take a looooooooong afternoon nap rather than try to catch an extra hour in the morning. 

That said, it was tough to bring it today.  My kicks weren't as high.  My punches weren't as fierce.  If someone were to be at the receiving end of my blows today, they'd probably have walked away none the worse for the encounter.  But, my heart rate was up.  The sweat was pouring.  So, all in all, not a total loss. 

Now, I'm off to take my baby to her last day of 1st grade.  Lord help me, I'm tired and emotional.  Actually, Lord help whoever crosses me in my current mental state.  I may go all Kenpo X on them.  I've done it before. 

Day 20:  Brought. 

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