Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 16: Cardio X

Tip of the Day:  "Make sure you eat enough calories."  It's strange that the mornings I wake up the most hungry seem to coincide with Cardio X and this little TOTD.  I don't like to workout with anything in my tummy.  It takes about 5 minutes for that food to come back and haunt me, even if it's just a little thing of yogurt.  First thing in the morning with an empty stomach for working out.  That's how I roll, but boy was my tummy growling by the end.  It was an awesome workout, though. 

A word on my eating while becoming Free From Fat.  I am not following the P90X diet.  I haven't even seen it.  I borrowed the DVD's from a friend, and I have none of the other materials.  Basically, I go healthy 6 days a week.  I get in lean proteins, low-fat dairy, whole grains and lots of fruits and veggies.  Then, on the 7th day, I give in to my cravings.  I let myself have what I want.  This is the absolute only way I have found to keep on track.  If I tell myself I'll NEVER have a cookie again, then I get sad and give up and eat a million cookies.  If I tell myself I can have a cookie on Free From Free From Fat day, I keep on keeping on.  It's a system that has worked beautifully for me and has shaved almost 25 pounds from my frame.  I got on the scale this morning (something I know I shouldn't do very often) and have discovered that the pounds are still coming off.  Slowly but surely, one free day at a time, I'll get down to where I need to be. 

And for when the cravings are just totally out of control, I keep a bar of Lindt dark chocolate, either Intense Orange, Sea Salt or Chili.  One square is about 48 calories, and it just gets me through and past the need to binge.  And if that doesn't do it, 2 cups of plain, air popped popcorn at 50 calories does.  Eating the chocolate and the popcorn together?  Heavenly. 

Day 16:  Brought. 

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