Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 15: Core Synergistics

Oh, man, did I have a hard time today.  After my enthusiastic and ambitious post yesterday, I had to pull out every ounce of "git-er-done" I had in me today.  I did NOT want to get out of bed.  I nursed thoughts of just doing half the workout for, well, the first half of the workout.  I just didn't have pep today.  Somehow, though, I pushed through.  Barely.  I think a good flossing will help. 

This is the beginning of the third week and the end of this particular rotation of workouts.  Tony's TOTD (tip of the day) on this one is "engage."  I usually try to implement his tips and always manage to forget them about halfway through.  Except for not smacking myself in the face.  That one I've got down.  I focused on engaging the entire time today.  It was kind of cool to see how I'd have to tweak certain moves to make sure I was working the muscles I was supposed to be working.  I know my core will thank me for it, especially if I have to pick up "boxes in my yard and put them on the shelf."  That line makes me giggle.  Who has shelves in their yard? 

So, not my greatest day, but you can't make them all pretty.  I'm done.  I'm having a bowl of oatmeal.  The world will continue rotating.  If not, well, then I won't have to get up tomorrow. 

Day 15:  Brought. 


  1. Love it! Yeah, today was a rest day for me, and my muscles were still SCREAMING from yesterday. My abs, legs and chest were dying every time I pumped syrup into a cup for a mocha. ugh. But you've been a real inspiration to keep going! I'm so glad!
    Josh, too. He's out doing his marathon training right now! Of course, coming home to pizza probably isn't the best choice, but one step at a time for us :) <3 You!

  2. I'm pretty sure you can count syrup-pumping as a workout anyway. So, you're all good. And if ever there's a good time to eat pizza, it's right after a workout when your body's still in high calorie burning mode. Love you, too!
